Friday, June 1, 2007

Do it now.

It's great to see the various posts going up here, and I'm thrilled to see the links to our individual blogs listed as well. I very much enjoyed reading Bruce's personal blog entry from May 25th (see link below-right) about his ongoing "calling" to become more involved in the lives of people who live on the streets in the U.S., and in Africa where he is right now.

Bruce's musings reminded me of a conversation I had with a neighbor the other day. We were chatting about pets and flowerbed weeds when he said "You know lately I've been feeling like I'm just killing time in my current job when I really ought to be in seminary." Of course, unprepared, I responded with some lame statement about how it's probably ok to earn a little money to make affording seminary easier. But that's not really what we were talking about, is it? I don't think so. What we were talking about was having a "calling," and waiting; about God's timing vs. ours. So I've been thinking about it, and since that day I've been watching for my neighbor hoping to have the chance to say "hey wait, I have something to add to our previous conversation!" I think it's always important to follow one's calling, and time doesn't always wait for us.

I've enjoyed reading the life stories of people like Martin Luther King Jr, Dr. Paul Brand (a surgeon), church leader Deitrich Bonhoffer, and social worker Jane Addams (my hero) who followed their callings and lived their lives in a way that impacted the world. They are good examples for me. Of course, there are other good examples close at hand... So I thought I'd just hop on here to say kudos to Bruce, and Tiffany, Ethan, Tresor, Jodi, KP, and so many others in our group who are jumping into your calling with both feet -- or actively seeking ways to do so. I look forward to seeing everyone's stories and adventures on this blog.

And yes, I've taken the plunge myself and submitted a query about short-term service opportunities to MCC -- something I've been "called" to for awhile. Splash!
Life is short. So -- like I'm going to tell my neighbor -- if there's something you plan to do in life, whether little or big, why wait? Put on your gaulashes and do it now.
- Janelle B

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Janelle.. that is awesome you applied for the short-term MCC service! Good for you!