We went and saw Evan Almighty over the weekend - I know it's gotten bad reviews, but I liked it. Maybe I was just needing some serious escapism (or it could be that I'm just a huge Steve Carell fan), but I really enjoyed it. First, it's not often you get through a whole hollywood production withouth a bad word stronger than 'crap', and once you get past the cheese, there were some good messages in there.
The first was that to 'change the world' a good place to start is with Acts of Random Kindness (ARK- get it?!). That's a good reminder for me, that when I feel hopeless about the state of current affairs and what really can one person do! Well, what we CAN do is practice kindness, compassion, and generosity, and start by making a difference for ONE person - be it family member, friend, or complete stranger. What would happen if that was the norm in our culture?
The second message was more subtle. It was a reminder that God answers prayers, but maybe not in the way we expect. Evan's wife in the movie (Lauren Graham) had prayed for their family to become closer. Later in the movie as she is lamenting her husband's spiral into what seems to her to be insanity, Morgan Freeman (as God, although unbeknownst to her) suggests that maybe prayers aren't answered directly, but that instead, God provides opportunities for us to make those answers happen. In this case, it wasn't that *poof* the family was closer, but the opportunity to work on the ark together resulted in just that - a closer family!
This really struck me - for one, I am one of those people who likes to think they are in control and can make things turn out the way I want them to! This was a good reminder that God will answer my prayers, I just have to be open to the creative ways that that might happen! My need to control can (and does) get in the way. Let Go, Let God! The other message to me was the reminder that we are partners with God on this journey - answers to prayers aren't delivered wrapped up with a pretty bow. We are called to be active participants in God's plan - and doesn't that make things infinately more interesting?!
-- Lisa Goering
1 comment:
I want to see this movie too!!
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