Friday, May 18, 2007

Welcome to the IDR blog!

People are very transient - we come and go, moving from place to place, always changing our surroundings. Fortunately, we live in the technology age, where physicial distance does not hinder people from connecting. ID Required, nicknamed IDR, is the young adult group at Raleigh Mennonite Church in Raleigh, North Carolina. Some of us have more permanent stays in Raleigh, working in the science field, nursing, teaching, or social work. Others of us only came for a few years to get degrees, complete postdoctoral research, or to volunteer for Service Adventure.

Even if our personal and professional goals are different, we all share the same commitment to live as followers of Christ. We have all met and shared our faith at Raleigh Mennonite Church. Our church's mission is:
"Raleigh Mennonite Church is a community growing as disciples of Jesus, the Christ. We nurture growth of the inner spiritual life, seeking transformation through God's grace as followers of Jesus.We are active in reconciliation and service, making Christ known through sharing the story of God's love and forgiveness with our children, our neighbors and our world. In our lives together we seek justice, healing, hope and peace for all people."
So, this is our blog to reflect our journeys. How do we live as followers of Christ in this seemingly un-Christlike world? How do we become witnesses not just through our church, but in our daily lives and activities? IDRers have now become global.. stretching from Raleigh to Washington, D.C., to Oregon to Peru to Congo to Canada! We welcome you to read our entries, reflect with us, share your thoughts, and join in the stories.

- Tiffany Stokes

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