Saturday, May 23, 2009


Recently, as in, this week, I attended the national MVS retreat at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp in Colorado. We spent time hiking, hanging out, and eating yummy food. We had several sessions with our speaker, a pastor from California, on sex-being sexual, worshiping God with our bodies, what the Bible has to say on homosexuality and premarital sex were just some of the topics covered.

One evening was spent with the various units presenting skits, slideshows, etc, about their lives. the following excerpt is from our skit "Sometimes in Baltimore." It's important to note that one of us works at an elementary school and another at a homeless shelter. All of the following statements are, more or less, true.

Sometimes after a hard day at work I'm so thankful to return to a place where I'm loved and supported.
Sometimes I fake appendicitis just to get out of the house.

Sometimes I feel like I'm making an important and significant difference at work.
Sometimes I'm assaulted by clients.

Sometimes I'm glad to live in a neighborhood undergoing such rapid 'urban renewal.'
Sometimes I'm chased and taunted by children as I walk home.

Sometimes I appreciate the intercultural and intergenerational aspect of our house.
Sometimes I wish we could drink in the house.

Sometimes it's great to have others do the cooking.
Sometimes it's not

Sometimes it's nice to live in a city undergoing such rapid economic and social growth.
Sometime I wish there were more than one metro line.

Sometimes it's fun to watch HBO's "The Wire" and recognize the places they go.
Sometimes when we watch "The Wire," we get surround sound effect from the shootings on our street.
Sometimes my clients are related to the actual drug lords "The Wire" was based on.

Sometimes we embrace simple living.
Sometimes window shopping just doesn't cut it.

Sometimes I wish we could have a pet.
Sometimes I wish there wasn't a rat living under our shed.

Sometimes it's nice to bread down barriers and confront racism head-on.
Sometimes I wish people wouldn't yell, "HEY! WHITE GIRL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" when I walk down the street.

Sometimes I really like eating vegetables on rice, beans on rice, lentils on rice, rice on rice...
Sometimes I would commit crimes for fresh mozzarella or meat.

Sometimes MVS helps us explore our vocation.
Sometimes I wish I had a paycheck.

Sometimes our sponsoring church provides a community of love and support.
Sometimes I wish they could sing.

Sometimes it's awesome living in a 100-year-old Victorian mansion.
Sometimes I wish sound didn't carry as well and that the house was less haunted.

Sometimes we sit on the roof to get a new view of the city.
Sometimes we sit on the rood and watch the rats play in the dumpster across the street.

Sometimes the Baltimore public transportation system gets you everywhere you need to go.
Sometimes there is an infestation of hundreds of cockroaches on the bus on my evening commute.

Sometimes I really miss working with kids.
Sometimes my student throw chairs at me.

Sometimes I'm so glad Americorps is paying off some of my student loans.
Sometimes I do three months of paperwork only to find out that I don't qualify.

Sometimes Baltimore has an excellent selection of restaurants.
Sometimes I wonder why there is a New York Fried Chicken in every neighborhood and why they sell lake trout.

Sometimes the bars on my bedroom window make me feel safe from potential robbers.
Sometimes I'm afraid that the bars on my window will doom me to a fiery death if our house ever burns down.

Sometimes the national director of MVS comes to visit the Baltimore unit and is propositioned by prostitutes outside our house.

Sometimes I'm happy to help the environment by walking or biking to work.
Sometimes motorcycles jump the curb and run me over while I bike home.

Sometimes I wish I could stay in VS forever.
Sometimes I move to Serbia to escape.

Yes, Baltimore is a fun and wonderful place. However, as we near the end of our time here, we can get a little snappish and impatient, so please keep us in your prayers for the next couple months.

On a completely unrelated note, there is a high possibility that my Theology prof from Hesston will be the new pastor at my church here. This, of course, excites me to no small end. :)

It sounds like y'all will have an interesting summer with Duane on Sabbatical. I look forward to hearing how it goes.


Heather :)

1 comment:

Janelle said...

Heather! I'm just now seeing this post much later. Thanks for sharing it! We miss you and hope all is going well as you take your faith and love for God and others with you into the world.